Delivery Information:
For most shows Euro Presentations AV will have an expo team member on site from 08.00 - 17.00 hours to deliver set up and make sure everything is working the day before your event starts.
We tend not to make an appointment time with stand holders before the day as this has proven to be unrealistic.
Please call the Expo HOTLINE number 07920 855 091 OR 07920 855 092 when you are on site and at your stand. The on site team member can then give a realistic estimated time of delivery for your equipment.
We provide expensive equipment and will not put your order on your stand if you are not there. When you arrive please don't panic if nothing is on your stand, just give us a quick ring and arrange a delivery slot.
Collection Information:
For the last day of the show Euro Presentations AV will have an expo team member on site in plenty of time for the show close. Usually up to 2 hours before the scheduled finish times.
We want to collect your hired item as soon as we can and will try to get to your stand during the afternoon of the last day to estimate what time we should be on your stand to collect.
Please remember you are responsible for the equipment until we have collected it!
If you have a special need for the collection of your hired equipment then please help us to help you and advise us of your needs by calling the Expo HOTLINE number 07920 855 091 OR 07920 855 092 as soon as you can.